Author: Sasha (Canada), 28-04-2024 19:05

Necklace of ocean guidance - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Thanks, the question is, how the hell do I get there. Also, do you know where to get another water walk to free hero in prison more...

Author: Наипуш (Россия), 28-04-2024 17:46

answer - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

I found it :) more...

Author: Frustrated haven player , 28-04-2024 17:38

How the hell am i about to defeat brown? - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

I like this map, but i dont know hot to handle brown player. Has a lvl 42 knight, all shatter magic on expert, still he just take control on my upgraded footman and just keep doing that, cant use my archers, any suggestions? I also have the helm that give 12 knoledge and a lot of exp (you get it by more...

Author: ezioartem (russia), 28-04-2024 16:57

BEST MAP - Auf Engelsflugeln - Heroes 5 map

throughout my 10+ year old history of playing HOMMV this is so far the best map ive experienced. i truly fell in love. thank you!!! more...

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 28-04-2024 16:50

Done - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Finished. What can I say? - amazing masterpiece. Number one for me. For experienced players only final fight will be challenging, but had a lot of fun on the way. I really liked the idea of two different styles,I felt like playing two different maps. First half pure adventure, second - old good hero more...

Author: Наипуш (Россия), 28-04-2024 16:36

Question - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Dear author, I'm at a dead end again. Where can I get a sphere of air or 5 ores? more...

Author: Stoyan (Bulgaria), 28-04-2024 15:34

Neklace of ocean guidance - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Road to the Neklace more...

Author: Mistotm , 28-04-2024 13:53

The Broken Bow Rebellion - The Broken Bow Rebellion - Heroes 3 map

Прекрасная карта. Получил удовольствие от прохождения. Спасибо за проделанную работу! more...

Author: Niko , 28-04-2024 13:44

A great adventure map - Kingdom of Harmondale - Heroes 3 map

Played this map long ago, to no success. Decided to replay it recently and actually managed to beat it, but it took a considerable amount of trial and error before a winning strategy was found. Still an enjoyable map and a state-of-art conversion of storyline from M&M7.
P.S. The final battle would&

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 28-04-2024 12:45

Found it - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Found it immediately after posting - magic :) more...

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 28-04-2024 12:27

Stuck - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

I have almost finished, but can not find vampires nor fangarms to open quest guards. I have searched everywhere, can not figure it out. Could somebodygive me a hint? more...

Author: Sasha (Canada), 28-04-2024 06:44

Neklace of ocean guidance - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

I am stuck in area where the first prison is. I dont know how to free hero from the island and where is Neklace of ocean guidance. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 27-04-2024 22:58

Cape of Conjuring - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Hi Наипуш, you get the Cape of Conjuring in Dragon Utopia. It is located before the entrance to the Botanical Garden.
p.s. thanks for the like :)

Author: Наипуш (Россия), 27-04-2024 22:06

Question - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

The author likes the map. I haven't had 40 crystals attacked from the dwarven treasure troves. I had to cheat and redo the save. But there is a question: where can I get a magic cape for a magician's ring? Thank you. more...

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| 1-10 | ... | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | ... | 831-834 |

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Points of Authorithy - Winds of War Points of Authorithy

by Archangel
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 11-11-2017
Rating : 2
Rate this map
Download : 985
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 1
Points of Authorithy - Your opinions [5]
Winds of War - Points of Authorithy underground
Lucifer is now on earth to bring chaos and distruction, you must stop him. Find the "God's Chosen" and your quest will be much easyer.
Are you ready to save the earth?

Century of wars - Winds of War Century of wars

by Brennus
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 12-09-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 685
Size : Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 5
Players : 5
Teams : 0
Century of wars - Your opinions [5]
Winds of War - Century of wars underground
The stormy 19-th century. The epoch of great wars. However, this was only free inspiration to create the map, as well as loose and inexact is the area of wars in Europe, North Africa and in the part of Asia.
You may choose to play one of 5 parties of different condition to win.
Blue player (France) is famous of his excellent riflemen, long range artillery and not numerous but perfect grenadiers. The aim of this player is to conquer Russia and capture Moscow (famous campaign in 1812).
Red player (Russia) has strong and the best in Europe infantry, good fire troopers, and famous czar's guardsmen. The aim of Russians is to conquer Siberia.
Green player (England) has swift and mobile light infantry and tight detachments of heavy infantry. In this case the aim of green player is to conquer the colony and capture Cairo.
Violet player (Poland under foreign domination) has also strong and fast infantry as well as frightening enemies very famous heavy cavalry. The aim of the player is to regain powerful position in Europe and recapture king's crown.
Orange player (absolutely fictional African country) has advantage with very numerous but not good armed Negro's infantry. The aim of the player is religious war and conquering Madrid, Rome and Istanbul,
Notice: only minimal number of spells is available on the map, however this is recompensed by fast increase numerous first level creatures.
Принц Джозеф - russian - Winds of War Принц Джозеф - russian

by Adli Alexander
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 10-12-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 446
Size : Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 2
Принц Джозеф - russian - Your opinions [5]
Winds of War - Принц Джозеф - russian underground
ВАЖНО: Только для профессионалов. Много очень сложных битв, могущественные герои, квесты. И если ты не эксперт в ММ, то зло в этот раз победит.
Рекомендуемый уровень сложности: Чемпион.
Ну, раз уж решил сыграть, тогда поехали! Сначала небольшая предыстория, всё остальное во время игры.
Король Артур - единственный сын короля Эдварда, имеет два сына и одну дочь; вместе они правят в главных городах Визардского королевства. Король Артур известен своими миролюбием и дипломатией, очень популярен и любим. Лорд Геллилиос - Лорд хаоса готовит огромную армию для завоевания королевства. Принц Джозеф - младший сын короля, осознавая что королевства отца очень слабое против армии хаоса, отправляется в северные холодные древние земли, в земли, где когда то сражался последний могущественный герой королевства Теодор вместе с королем Эдвардом против Лорда Альтаира - отца лорда Геллилиоса в Торосе. В битве где нет победивших… Впрочем, Король Эдвард был убит тогда, его тело было украдено друидом, а древний герой Теодор убежал в пещеру где был заколдован русалками и отправлен жить в болото навсегда.
Задачи (их можно читать потом, во время игры, если будут сложности)
1. Принц Джозеф идёт встречать Дельфийский оракул, и читься искусству войны в земле междуречье.
2. Король Артур вместе со своим старшим сыном Питером и любимой дочкой Люзяной готовят королевство к великой войне.
3. Принц Джозеф должен вернуться до четвёртого месяца сильным героем и остановить армии Геллилиоса, в частности, армию лорда Винома.
4. Во время выполнения своей миссии в древней земле принц Джозеф не может проигрывать или бежать с битв, иначе вы проиграете.
5. Король с сыновьями и с другими героями (преимущественно колдунами жизни и порядка) начинают долгий поход в Ад - резиденцию Геллилиоса. По дороге Герои королевского палата зайдут в индивидуальные сокровища одни. Принца Джозефа ждут серьезные дуэли за красные оракулы, ведущие к кольцу света.
6. Найти пещеру, куда убежал когда-то Теодор, зайти в Магический сад и уничтожить русалок заколдовавших вход к древнему герою.
7. Встретить Теодора в болоте, расколдовать его. Затем, лучшие герои отправляются в Ад без армии уничтожать сверх могущественного Геллилиоса.*
8. Найти ключ к тюрьме короля Эдварда. Король Эдвард отпирает вход в сокровище королевства в чёрном лесу, где запрятано великое кольцо, без которого вся армия королевства со всеми великими героями бессильна против армии Ада.

Город спорта и игр - Winds of War Город спорта и игр

by Ekshenman
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 24-01-2018
Rating : 0
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Download : 319
Size : Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 2
Город спорта и игр - Your opinions [5]
На этой карте вам предстоит опробовать около двух десятков различных видов спорта и игр и показать свои мастерские навыки не только в сложнейших боях, но и в разгадывании хитроумных квестов.

The 6 Points Total War - Heroes 4 original The 6 Points Total War

by Karta
Type Heroes 4 Heroes 4 original
Added 29-04-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 511
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Expert
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 0
The 6 Points Total War - Your opinions [5]
Heroes 4 original - The 6 Points Total War underground
This is the land of Six Points... six different kingdoms, six different armies... a neutral middle and the underground plenty of resources, artifacts and power ups. Massive battles with thousands of creatures, poweful heroes... This is war, total war... Big fun, but better if you play with other people.

Power in the deep - Heroes 4 original Power in the deep

by KEG
Type Heroes 4 Heroes 4 original
Added 20-09-2017
Rating : 1
Rate this map
Download : 1181
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 5
Players : 5
Teams : 0
Power in the deep - Your opinions [5]
Heroes 4 original - Power in the deep underground

Disenchanted Forest - Gathering Storm Disenchanted Forest

by Qrystal Dragon
Type Heroes 4 Gathering Storm
Added 01-03-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 624
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 6
Teams : 1
Disenchanted Forest - Your opinions [5]
Gathering Storm - Disenchanted Forest underground
Lord Bonesbreath and Lord Treedeath have corrupted the enchanted forest. It dies slowly but surely. As you guzzle your beer and toss your dice this news barely distracts you until....your drunken jester trips over the last barrel of fine unicorn wine and laughingly says....who shall get the last horn for soon with the corruption of the forest.......there will be no more corn and no new wines born. With a swift kick in his rump, you summon your armies.......the corruption of the wine must be's time for war!

Wishes and Dreams - Gathering Storm Wishes and Dreams

by Grumpy Old Wizard
Type Heroes 4 Gathering Storm
Added 14-10-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 1436
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 0
Wishes and Dreams - Your opinions [5]
Gathering Storm - Wishes and Dreams underground
Ancient writings fortold the Time of Shadows. That time has come. Can the would be saviours deliver the world or will they perish with it? Only time will tell. (You start as Order. 4 of the computer opponents are of random alignment. The other is the evil Shadow Lord.) Designed for the advanced setting. Ignore the time limit comment in the game as that is only for flavor is not implemented.

The Price of Liberty - Gathering Storm The Price of Liberty

by Grumpy Old Wizard
Type Heroes 4 Gathering Storm
Added 03-07-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 935
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 0
The Price of Liberty - Your opinions [5]
Gathering Storm - The Price of Liberty underground
This map requires the Gathering Storm expansion. Player must be nature aligned. Computer players are of random alignment.

Emperor's Game - Heroes 4 original Emperor's Game

by Ururam Tururam
Type Heroes 4 Heroes 4 original
Added 02-02-2018
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 522
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 6
Teams : 2
Emperor's Game - Your opinions [5]
Heroes 4 original - Emperor's Game underground
The emperor wants to know if his legions are ready for battle and whether they are in good condition. He also wants to test commanding skills of his legates. You are one of the four legates chosen for the test. The battleground is ready; the sparring battle is about to begin. You must prove that your legion and the legion of your ally are better than the other two. The emperor and the empress will watch you personally!...

| 1-10 | ... | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | ... | 831-834 |

Heroes 4 original | Gathering Storm | Winds of War | Equilibris

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