Author: Marek Hlaváč (Česko), 17-05-2024 17:51

White tent? - Another Story - Heroes 3 map

Great map, but I got stuck finding the white tent. I am blocked from all sides with the white gates. Anyone can provide a hint? Thank you! more...

Author: Leto Castitas Artonaut (Katechkin) (Saint-Petersburg), 17-05-2024 14:49

Sorry for the late answer. - Aeten Nomere - Heroes 3 map

With a properly managed economy, it will not take a year before you can spend excess gold to buy gems. In addition, in some events on the map, you can get a pretty decent amount of resources, which can also be exchanged for the necessary ones. This figure is not taken from the ceiling, I can only sa more...

Author: Leto Castitas Artonaut (Katechkin) (Saint-Petersburg), 17-05-2024 14:33

Feedback - Aeten Nomere - Heroes 3 map

Hi! Let me know if you want me to add any additional content. I'd appreciate for the feedback.
Give me a thumbs up please if you like the map it will help me improve it.
Have a nice game!

Привет! Дайте мне знать, если хотите, чтобы я добавил какой-либо дополнительный контент. Буду признат

Author: hydra_off (Moscow, Russia), 15-05-2024 23:49

Bug! - Erathians, Coves and Caves - Heroes 3 map

There is a problem, when you are building a ship it is impossible to achieve on both colors: on brown it is spawned behind a mountain, and on green there are some barrels in front of it. Hope you will fix it and thanks for your content! more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 15-05-2024 22:50

Theodorus - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Привет Андрей, я загрузил для тебя видео с боем против Теодора. Надеюсь, это поможет вам на вашем пути. Ссылка

Либо наберите его в поисковик на YouTube
Heroes 3 Portishead - Way Home (Theodorus)

Author: Little_Buddha , 15-05-2024 19:03

Нити Судьбы - Нити судьбы. Часть I (Threads of fate. Part I) - Heroes 3 map

Рад, что карта вам понравилась.

А в подземелье действительно спускаться не обязательно, разве что ради заклинания жертвы, имение в наличие которого не является необходимым для успешного прохождения.

Author: Little_Buddha , 15-05-2024 18:55

About map - Порядок из Хаоса (Order from Chaos) - Heroes 3 map

There is one trick in Heroes 3 that can be applied to this map as well. To prevent AI from landing on your territory, simply dig up the soil on the cells along the shore, but remember that you won’t be able to do this either, so leave one free hero constantly on duty on the shoreline.

The map des

Author: Soned , 15-05-2024 15:50

Threads of fate.Part 1 - Нити судьбы. Часть I (Threads of fate. Part I) - Heroes 3 map

Отличная карта.В меру трудная.Закончил на 6м месяце,правда в подземелье к темницам не ходил.Спасибо за работу.Буду играть во вторую часть по мере времени. more...

Author: Yoryens , 15-05-2024 14:39

Cant find the whirlpool - War of the Lords (edit.) - Heroes 4 map

Hello Ive trying to find the whirlpool but im not able to find it. Can you tell me where it is? more...

Author: Adam (United States), 15-05-2024 11:33

Great map - World Strife - Heroes 3 map

Great map had so much fun on this one, maybe the best I ever played. more...

Author: K , 15-05-2024 09:52

on balance - Порядок из Хаоса (Order from Chaos) - Heroes 3 map

This is a hard map, as the other user commented, and you do get invaded early, but your land has strong defense to balance this out.

The balance issue I had rather was that I got to month 9 with total map control, and reduced tan to one roaming hero plus the boss hero. However I still need to app

Author: Andrey (Russia), 14-05-2024 08:45

Теодор - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Армия следующая, 1000 эльфов 300 стрелков, Драгон флай 100, титанов 6, ну и 70 чемпионов, Теодор кидает на себя ускорение помто на меня медлительность и все, я ничего не могу сделать. Медлительности у меня нет. Что бы купить больше Чемпионов и Могучих Горгон, нужны деньги, денег нет) где взять не more...

Author: Rishi , 14-05-2024 04:05

Thunder Helmet - Ira the Mage - Heroes 3 map

At this stage you should have the thunder helmet that gives you -2 power. That along with the armour of wonder will get your power to the required value more...

Author: Gamer (N/A), 14-05-2024 03:09

Best map ever - Another Story - Heroes 3 map

Guys, this has to be one of (if not THE) favorite map of mine of all times. I enjoyed every minute. What other maps do you guys recommend that are similar?? Thanks more...

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Heroes 4 - Maps - Winds of War








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| 1-10 | ... | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | ... | 411-414 |

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Time to Resettle - Winds of War Time to Resettle

by Harry Kiri
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 25-07-2022
Rating : 0
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Download : 160
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Hard
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 0
Time to Resettle - Your opinions [0]
War has turned the land into an abandoned area. Two camps of survivors withdrew their essentials and walled themselves off against the raging battles.
Now the war is over and the survivors compete for the ressources to re-discover the surroundings. A river seperates the two factions but there must be ways to conquer everything..

Return of Mosqua - Winds of War Return of Mosqua

by Agnes
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 13-06-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 417
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 3
Return of Mosqua - Your opinions [19]
Winds of War - Return of Mosqua underground
Author's note: this scenario was made to laugh at some people in the Behemoth Cave forum (in polish: Jaskinia Behemota). The plot will be incomprehensible to someone outside the forum, but the emotions are still guaranteed.
Behemoth's Lair is really peacefulf for quite some time. Criminals sit in prisons and tyrants have disappeared, God knows where. The tensions between Catholics and the rest of the world are basically over. However, the return of a certain phantom heralds that peace, balance, and freedom of speech are about to end ...
Tales of Destiny - Winds of War Tales of Destiny

by Sasha Tishov
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 10-06-2022
Rating : 0
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Download : 808
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 1
Players : 5
Teams : 3
Tales of Destiny - Your opinions [6]
Winds of War - Tales of Destiny underground
You're a man with many destinies. Start your quest from a demon to a saviour and find your TRUE DESTINY.

The Final - Winds of War The Final

by Graf von Furcht
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 17-04-2022
Rating : 0
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Download : 209
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Expert
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 0
The Final - Your opinions [1]
Winds of War - The Final underground
This is a smaller H4 map with a lot of adventures, treasures, mines and opponents.
Graf von Furcht is leaving the world of wars and returns to his small farm with many orchards
Greetings to all brave Heroes...

Merlin - Winds of War Merlin

by Antonio Lukiski
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 18-02-2022
Rating : 0
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Download : 818
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Expert
Can be Human : 2
Players : 5
Teams : 3
Merlin - Your opinions [3]
Winds of War - Merlin underground
Morgana and her dark associates are trying to take over the world. In the underworld she devises a plan for how she will accomplish it.
Merlin and King Arthur are the only ones who can stop her. Win the world.

Пять Друзей Леонида - Winds of War Пять Друзей Леонида

by ColdWarrior
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 16-02-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 230
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Expert
Can be Human : 1
Players : 6
Teams : 4
Пять Друзей Леонида - Your opinions [0]
Winds of War - Пять Друзей Леонида underground
Language: Russian
Действие карты разворачивается на отдалённых от материка островах, которые отстаивали свою независимость в войне с большой землёй. Хотя островное государство и победило в войне за суверенитет, мирному времени не суждено было длиться слишком долго. Вскоре начались распри между правителями островов. Их инициатором был лорд Хрограйн. Он непокорный, амбициозный завоеватель, желающий единолично править всем архипелагом.
Леонид — ветеран не одной войны, который неустанно служил на благо любимой страны. Вместе со своими друзьями-лордами он смог установить здесь мир. Раньше они сражались бок о бок с Хрограйном, а теперь стали жертвой его заговора и попали в тюрьму.
Теперь вам надо, несмотря ни на что, объединиться со своими друзьями и снова спасти свою Родину.

The action of the map takes place on islands remote from the mainland, which defended their independence in a war with the mainland. Although the island nation won the war for sovereignty, peacetime was not destined to last too long. Soon feuds began between the rulers of the islands. Their initiator was Lord Hrograin. He is a rebellious, ambitious conqueror who wants to single-handedly rule the entire archipelago.
Leonid is a veteran of more than one war, who tirelessly served for the good of his beloved country. Together with his fellow lords, he was able to establish peace here. They used to fight side by side with Hrogrine, but now they have fallen victim to his plot and ended up in prison.
Now you need, in spite of everything, to unite with your friends and save your homeland again

Дракон Природы - Winds of War Дракон Природы

by ColdWarrior
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 16-02-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 63
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Expert
Can be Human : 1
Players : 3
Teams : 0
Дракон Природы - Your opinions [0]
Language: Russian
Дракон Природы — высший ранг друида, которым выделяют лучших из лучших. За всю свою короткую историю этот край знал всего четверых Драконов.
Саэрос — новейший претендент на звание Дракона Природы. Чтобы доказать всем свою прыть, Саэрос готов пойти очень далеко. Совет друидов воспользовался этим, отправив молодого друида в священный край, где он должен найти могущественный артефакт Скарабей. Но Саэрос даже не подозревал, что и всему совету не по силам владеть Скарабеем...

The Dragon of Nature is the highest rank of the druid, which is distinguished by the best of the best. In its entire short history, this region has known only four Dragons.
Saeros is the newest contender for the title of Dragon of Nature. To prove his agility to everyone, Saeros is ready to go very far. The Druid Council took advantage of this by sending the young druid to the sacred land, where he must find the powerful Scarab artifact. But Saeros did not even suspect that the entire council was not capable of owning the Scarab ...

Противофаза - Winds of War Противофаза

by FreeDIM
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 09-02-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 253
Size : Large
Difficulty : Hard
Can be Human : 1
Players : 5
Teams : 0
Противофаза - Your opinions [0]
Winds of War - Противофаза underground
Language: Russian
Ну, что ж... пришла пора нам с вами улыбнуться вновь. Многие почитатели культовых "Look in two eyes!!" и "Summons & Illusions" (известных в простонародии как "Смотри в оба!!" и "Атака иллюзий и призванных существ") уже с нетерпеньем ерзают на стуле, предвкушая умопомрачительное продолжение.. А вот фигу!.. продолжения не будет (не зря же я писал об этом в эпилоге S&I)... Сделайте лица попроще и расслабтесь... Никто не отнимет у Вас Вашей болтливой непарнокопытной попутчицы, и не лишит тонны юмора на каждую милю пройденного пути... Ибо грядет самый настоящий приквел (первая часть теперь уже законченной трилогии)... То, собственно с чего все и началось.... Велкам! ;) Описание карты: Двухуровневая карта (L) для русской версии HoMM IV (WoW) с большим количеством разнообразных скриптов... Огромное количество юмора, "приколов" и нестандартных дизайнерских решений... Рекомендуемая сложность игры - "Магистр"...

Well, well ... it's time for us to smile again. Many admirers of the cult "Look in two eyes!!" and "Summons & Illusions" (known in the common people as "Look at both!!" and "Attack of illusions and summoned creatures") are already fidgeting impatiently in their chairs, anticipating a mind-blowing continuation .. But nevermind! .. there will be no continuation (not why did I write about this in the epilogue of S & I) ... Make your faces simpler and relax ... No one will take away your chatty equine fellow traveler from you, and will not deprive you of a ton of humor for every mile of the road traveled ... For the real prequel is coming ( the first part of the now completed trilogy) ... That, in fact, where it all began .... Welcom! ;) Map description: A two-level map (L) for the Russian version of HoMM IV (WoW) with a large number of various scripts... A huge amount of humor, "jokes" and non-standard design solutions... Recommended game difficulty - "Master"...

Die Krone Britanniens - Winds of War Die Krone Britanniens

by Azurdrachen, BadLex - Scripting: BadLex, M2 - Story und Texte: Koni, BadLex
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 16-01-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 334
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Die Krone Britanniens - Your opinions [1]
Winds of War - Die Krone Britanniens underground
Campaign - 9 maps

Language: German
Die Krone Britanniens enthält 9 Karten, die sich mit den Personen und den Geschehnissen um König Artus beschäftigen und den Spieler das Zeitgeschehen teilweise aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven völlig neu erleben lassen.
Diese Kampagne ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der mit-besten Mapmaker, Texter und Tester des Drachenwalds und der Might & Magic World und ist in einem Zeitraum von ca. 12 Monaten erstellt worden.
Besonderer Dank gilt unseren hervorragenden Testern und Scriptern, ohne deren innovative Einfälle und exakte Problemdarstellungen die Erstellung dieser Kampagne wohl nicht möglich gewesen wäre.

The Crown of Britain contains 9 cards that deal with the people and events surrounding King Arthur and allow the player to experience current events from completely different perspectives.
This campaign is a joint project by some of the best mapmakers, copywriters and testers from Drachenwald and Might & Magic World and was created over a period of around 12 months.
Special thanks go to our excellent testers and scripters, without whose innovative ideas and precise problem descriptions the creation of this campaign would probably not have been possible.

Total War - Winds of War Total War

by Alexey Kurnosov
Type Heroes 4 Winds of War
Added 12-01-2022
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 298
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 5
Players : 6
Teams : 4
Total War - Your opinions [0]
Winds of War - Total War underground
Total War

| 1-10 | ... | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | ... | 411-414 |

Heroes 4 original | Gathering Storm | Winds of War | Equilibris

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