Author: Andor (UK), 11-05-2024 19:23

Feedback - Порядок из Хаоса (Order from Chaos) - Heroes 3 map

I don't know man, I don't really like heavily scripted maps, where Hero "x" targets you specifically at a certain date and time and you have to be quick to build your army and what not or else you lose...I mean I don't really have a problem with that but if I don't know more...

Author: Graf von Furcht (Hnvr, Grmny), 11-05-2024 19:12

Cmmt - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

Hello Kir!
Thank you very much for your comment!
I always like to hear suggestions for improvement. Have fun conquering!

Author: Дмитрий (Россия), 11-05-2024 18:53

Пока сложно - Стражи Шотландии (Guardians of Scotland) - Heroes 3 map

Поиграл 4 месяца, открыл довольно много (южные замки все мои).
Но убитые красные герои каждый раз возвращаются со всё большей армией, а я её теряю, так как выигрывать без потерь не получается.
Также, напрягают 2 оранжевых героя, которые ходят с пока не пробиваемыми армиями.
Сильно помогла бы слеп

Author: Kir (Russia), 11-05-2024 15:43

map - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

The map really is very special. When If you go through it normally, you won't understand all the ideas. If only in the editor to see.... For example, the tents of keymen way not to bonuses, but to problems. Nevertheless, I will appreciate it. Graf is one of the few who makes large detailed maps more...

Author: Alisa (belarus), 11-05-2024 15:16

black tent - Fawn's Labyrinth - Heroes 3 map

how to get to a black tent. playing for red. thnx more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:55

No cheats, no tricks. - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

No horn, no cloack, no beserk used, of course. more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:45

Win, finally - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

Finished at 14º month.
Impossible dificulty.
Losing faith so may times, but
Wanna spoiler?

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 10-05-2024 18:23

. We must take wing and conquer the heavens...Icarus - Kill the Gods - Heroes 3 map

Thx for joy. Odissey didnt receive fire magic and was used only vs opps, but not gods.Luna rules. I had 18 heroes to collect resources and harasses opps. After opening card with Graal i find scroll of TP, BUT have to visit all tents. I won after 182 days. Dont take empty stuff on water coz gods will more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:21

beware of fangram quest change to this factory update map 1.7 - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

I spent 4 months getting the 125 with my whole strategy planned out to get to the seer hut with 125 and suddenly it's 333 now? I abandoned my game, deleted your map and reinstalled the old map with a more reasonable quest requirement. 333 takes way too long. I wonder if there's even much l more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:16

factory update fangram quest - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

why increase the requirement from 125 to 333? Isn't that kind of ridiculous? more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 14:32

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Ah, I see. So you need to skip the scholar for earth magic then and take artillery on your 1st turn. more...

Author: 32167 , 10-05-2024 10:15

-- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I moved the tree a little to the side in the latest version of the map. Now there are only steps for one scholar. In the previous version there was half a step in reserve. It was such the freedom of action :) more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 08:02

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

You are probably taking too many steps diagonally. Try taking as many steps horizontally or vertically as reasonable and you'll be able to pick up both piles, both scholars, 1 pandora box and get back in time to take a town. more...

Author: yela (Bucharest), 10-05-2024 00:07

day 1 - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I can't get past day one, I just don't have the movement speed to get the ore and lumber to build magic guild to get slow, what am I doing wrong? more...

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about Time of Prophecy - map rating = 1 Likes

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Download map Time of Prophecy - heroes 3 mapsDownload map Time of Prophecy - heroes 3 maps

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Heroes 3: In the Wake of Gods + Era

Version : ERA III only

I am Morgane la Fée, a Daughter of the Furies, also called The Sorceress by the many other storytellers than myself.
And this is the true tale of the Time of Prophecy.

Added: 03-08-2021

Heroes 3 maps: Испытание | In the water | Healing Through War | Speedrun Yosa

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 02-10-2021 16:29 Like
Ahh - Time of Prophecy
I mean these beauties!
Ahh - Time of Prophecy

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 02-10-2021 16:27 Like
Second try - Time of Prophecy
Finished in 7/2/6 - one month faster than previous play ,with much stronger beauties.Still I got expert magic just for fun before last fight,I didn't need it in any fight.Next time I'll try my best to finish the map in the 6th month
Second try - Time of Prophecy

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 02-10-2021 15:02 Like
Angelic components - Time of Prophecy
What exactly is the algoritm to get all the components?I remember I was fighting almost 2 hours to get the last missing one,despite changing artefacts so many times, and I find it very frustrating because of that annoying ramdonness.Max damage,max speed and still not able to proceed faster.

  VALERY writes:
02-10-2021 20:50

+ - Time of Prophecy

In fact, you must be very unlucky to not get it after a few dozen battles. The dice drop a random value between 1 and 10. 1 to 6 are angelic alliance components, 7 to 10 you get nothing. So there is a 1/10 chance to get the artifact you look for.

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
03-10-2021 04:09

I got it - Time of Prophecy

I didn't say I got nothing,just items I had before.In the end I found out how : if the fight gives you same item in a row (2 or 3 times),just press F12 and it will change ,hopefully, the fight and the item in next battle.

Author: smyleek (Ukraine), 01-10-2021 22:17
Another way - Time of Prophecy
I tried that too. But I didn't have enough mana. How did you drain his mana? Resurrection? I only had 1300 mana. This is not enough to drain him. I calculated that there will be unresurrected units. 1980/25 = 79 times, 1300/16 = 81 times. I could only resurrect twice.

Author: smyleek (Ukraine), 01-10-2021 22:02
Crash - Time of Prophecy
The game crashes in battle with Pir. Can I do something about this?

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
02-10-2021 00:58

A question - Time of Prophecy

If you are still playing with low damage,soon you will be crashed by Marius for ex.You had 55 damage at beginning of 6th month;at that time I killed Marius and I had about 1800 damage,but expert on earth magic only.Keep in mind there are 4 available emerald towers with sorceresses around where you can upgrade every week after killing Malekith.Maybe you should restart the map?

  smyleek (Ukraine) writes:
02-10-2021 18:02

My question - Time of Prophecy

I was advancing on the map for so long because I just forgot at the beginning that I have the admiral's hat :( My mistake. But the fact that I do not have access to one emerald tower is Valerie's fault. He wrote in the biography of one hero: "{ Tyris} and the following Mages, except the {Lousy blonde}, will be sacrificied to gain primary skills that otherwise you can not. You may choose to keep them, but there is no real use. "Now I understand it was a joke. . Cruel joke. If I left him near the emerald tower, I would be able to compensate for those +2 to attack many times. This is a joke like you don't need to be so gullible)))
But why do you say that you can visit the towers every week, if near the two towers there is only one dwelling of sorceresses +6 every week, but you need +12. Can I increase the growth in dwellings?
Finally, does the stats of neutrals and enemy creatures increase over time?

  VALERY writes:
02-10-2021 20:44

+ - Time of Prophecy

Thats part of the strategy. First upgrades at emerald towers should be sorceress GROWTH (75 wood), until you get enough every week as the tower asks, so it pays as long run strategy. Then you can visit every week if an hero nearby.

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
03-10-2021 04:18

Upgrades 1-5 - Time of Prophecy

First is speed,next damage;when you reach wyverns' area,upgrade growth once,damage next and then groth again.Just calculate how many sorceresses you can leave to Christian.Tyris' message is from the previous version,that tricked me before :) Then is Valeska and later the guy next to dungeon (don't foget to upgrade speed at maxim - it's a must in a few fights ).Just upgrade sorceresses only when you need it - if your mithrills management is corect,you will have spell imunity before a lot of strong fights and ,very late,you can switch prayer into haste,once you have angelic alliance

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 01-10-2021 16:04 Like
A better Morgana before Tamika - Time of Prophecy
I found some saves from my second try to see if I can improve the damage;here is Morgana right before fighting Tamika - still 7 skills: 2 clones,close combat range,prayer,fearless,block and age (for titan caves)
A better Morgana before Tamika - Time of Prophecy

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 30-09-2021 17:42 Like
There is another way - Time of Prophecy
I just free a hero and I go to replenish my mana;that hero will take the dungeon and start the event,then I tp with Morgana in dungeon to defend with plenty mana for fight.Split one strong + 6 small and drain his mana,then start ressurect ,kill - job done

Author: VALERY, 30-09-2021 16:27
+ - Time of Prophecy
malekith is just a joke to see if people played wog before ;)
All you have to do is click on dungeon entrance then change the terrain (costs 10 mithril I think) to cursed ground. Then battle and put on automate, once it starts. Quick battle will crash for unknown reasons.

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 30-09-2021 09:59 Like
So... - Time of Prophecy
Don't play it on quick combat;just think about the problems you have in that battle (like that implosion,ressurection,right split and mana management) and find the right way.

  VALERY writes:
02-10-2021 00:02

+ - Time of Prophecy

Don't bother, the solution is simple. Click on dungeon entrance, it will offer to change terrain. Choose cursed ground then wait in town. Kill catapult, put on autocombat

  smyleek (Ukraine) writes:
02-10-2021 00:14

Crash - Time of Prophecy

Now I have another problem - what to do with the crash in the battle with Pir. I was hoping you would tell me.

  smyleek (Ukraine) writes:
02-10-2021 00:23

Crash - Time of Prophecy

Can it be because i reinstalled hd mod?

  VALERY writes:
02-10-2021 00:23

+ - Time of Prophecy

never had any, but with all the Era versions out there, I don't know. Send me a save please, address is in the readme file.

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
02-10-2021 01:05

About ressurecting points - Time of Prophecy

Split into 1+ 6 ;let him cast implosion on everything and ressurect from time to time one weak unit able to generate clones.If you have an arch mage,the cost of spells is less.But Valery was right,changing nature of the battle field costs 3 mithrills - exact amount you find on your way to Malekith

Author: smyleek (Ukraine), 29-09-2021 20:03
bug with Malekith - Time of Prophecy
Can win the battle with Malekith in the city without losing a quick battle. This is probably a bug, because the battle is simply lost on an auto battle.

Author: smyleek (Ukraine), 29-09-2021 19:27
thanks - Time of Prophecy
When you said that Malekith will attack you in castle, it was of course a spoiler. After that, I went through the fight in a quick battle (key q)

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 29-09-2021 18:45 Like
Probably not the best skills - Time of Prophecy
I wouldn't take paralyze on a range;aditional cast is worthless ,too.Avoid ressurect after death as well - the whole point is to take less damage (unless the fight requires something else)

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 29-09-2021 18:40 Like
Sure do - Time of Prophecy
You have everything you need (so forget about earth spells protection );think about what you need most in that fight and how to solve that.Malekith will attack you in castle ,so make your plan

Author: smyleek (Kyiv, Ukraine), 29-09-2021 15:19
Can you confirm this? 3 - Time of Prophecy
the thieves
Can you confirm this? 3 - Time of Prophecy

Author: smyleek (Kyiv, Ukraine), 29-09-2021 14:56
Can you confirm this? 2 - Time of Prophecy
and this artifacts
Can you confirm this? 2 - Time of Prophecy

Author: smyleek (Kyiv, Ukraine), 29-09-2021 14:54
Can you confirm this? - Time of Prophecy
Can you confirm this? I will show what I have -
Can you confirm this? - Time of Prophecy

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 29-09-2021 13:34 Like
You will find the way - Time of Prophecy
Malekith is the smartest fight from the map,so let's keep it that way;all you need to know is that you have everything there to win the fight

Author: smyleek (Kyiv, Ukraine), 29-09-2021 11:41
Malekith - Time of Prophecy
Hello, Cristian. Thanks for answer. But in next fight Malekith deals a lot of damage with an explosion (13000). How did you get through without being immune to shock magic? You said that you only gained immunity in the fight with Craig Hack.

Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 29-09-2021 06:05 Like
Not sure - Time of Prophecy
So far as I remember,that battle is not hard with good damage and right split.

Author: smyleek (Kyiv, Ukraine), 26-09-2021 18:33
need help - Time of Prophecy
Tamika kills as many of my sorceresses with lightning as I can resurrect. I missed air protection somewhere?

Author: brgljez (zg, cro), 01-09-2021 14:58
salute to valery - Time of Prophecy

glad u didnt lost ur intrest in this after ur maps became unplayable in new era.

is there any possibility to upload tewIII latest version to ur google disk folder. i reinstalled everything back to 2.46 and playin tewIII, but its not 2.3.

why did u anyway deleted maps from everywhere? :D

Author: VALERY, 30-08-2021 18:34
Valery - Time of Prophecy
Hi Christian,

The white tent scenario was removed as it depended on a script which doesn't work anymore in Era 3. I compensate the damage cap (4000) by more resources so you could have all schools, which now are needed in some fights (mass berserk, mass haste and expert forgetfulness).
Basically, in previous version, once you damage was 20000 or so, everyone died in one hit, now is slower.
Thanks for review!

  Synesthesiac (United States) writes:
06-10-2021 20:53

HD+ Options - Time of Prophecy

Hello Valery. We used to chat here a long time ago, but I don't remember if this was the name I used. Anyway. thought I'd play my favorite map again!

Could you tell me how to enable the HD+ features? I'd like to be able to alt+click and see my movement, and I can't seem to get it to work.


Author: Cristian Mures (United Kingdom), 30-08-2021 17:11 Like
Nice comeback for ERA 3! - Time of Prophecy
I was thrilled to see ToP back here and very curious about the changes.Let's start with pros: the damage bonus system is slowed down,even with 3 heroes;Malekith is more tricky.Cons,now: too many resources(I finished the previous version without being expert on any magic,here I took them all without effort);there is no more white tent;not much use for mithrills (once I entered to fight Crag Hack,I have all hostile spell imunity from default,without consuming mithrills);creature banks respawn too late and not for real use;.I finisehd the map in 8 months with 10k sorceresses - maybe it could be finish earlier,I wanted to explore the whole map.Thank you for effort!

  smyleek (Ukraine) writes:
30-09-2021 13:09

Thanks - Time of Prophecy

Finally, yesterday I found a way out with Malekith. But with Tamika, I could still only with the loss of 500 sorceresses. I tried to think in a similar way, but came up with nothing. Hint, pliz, what's there.

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
30-09-2021 13:23

Tamika - Time of Prophecy

Your skills on sorceresses are not great,as I said (did you consider casting age after attack?).You split in 2 big stacks and 5 minions;slow vampires and make sure you can kill 2 liches in one turn - check your damage,protect your big stacks with clones,Put some clones or small stack on lich'es corpses so Tamika can't animate them

  smyleek (Ukraine) writes:
30-09-2021 14:11

Tamika - Time of Prophecy

The problem is that I can only kill one stack of liches and a little more in one turn. Damage 51 (in battle 59-60). What to do with the damage? I can only upgrade one tower every week, and one more every two weeks.
The first time I had casting age, but it is useless against undead, so I replaced it with fearlessness (dragons have fear). And I took rebirth - with additional spells you can rebirth 5 times.
I will try to use this for blocking with small units.

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
30-09-2021 14:49

Damage.. - Time of Prophecy

So far you have more than 2 towers where you can upgrade your damage

  Cristian Mures (United Kingdom) writes:
30-09-2021 15:05

My hero - Time of Prophecy

I checked my hero (I messed up my damage as well),so after killing Malekith - starting my trip in maze at 4/3/7 my damage is 65,only 7 skills on sorceresses (I didn't feel I need the 8th yet ,block was fine,mass prayer + double attack from early game)

My hero - Time of Prophecy

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