Author: Nick (Canada), 01-06-2024 18:34

Mistake - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Okay i see, i didn't realize until way too late how to get to pink (after defeating the players there and getting every town and lighthouse) and i thought i had to abandon stuff when the thiefs came in because even if i was really strong some were really strong too, and then kyrre got somewhat more...

Author: Doctor (Воронеж, Россия), 01-06-2024 18:33

Французская версия - Brownie. Soul reunion - Heroes 7 map

Друзья, в архив добавлен файл языковой локализации на французском языке. Спасибо Франсуа. Надеюсь, что появятся переводы на другие языки и не только этой карты. Если есть желающие помочь с переводами - пишите. more...

Author: gemasia (Poland), 01-06-2024 17:08

Amazing! - Power of Dragons - Heroes 5 map

The most beautiful map more...

Author: 32167 , 01-06-2024 15:32

-- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Nick, hello!
The idea of the map was to separate the ground and underground levels... Kyrre fights in the ground level and Gelu in the underground. Later Kyrre will be able to get to the underground.
It is also very important to take control of the sea. A huge number of lighthouses is in the area

Author: Nick (Canada), 01-06-2024 13:45

Help and great map - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Great map btw but what am i meant to do with real gelu, i've only got the castle town left after all the thiefs took the rest, he managed to take the castle town top left but now hes too weak to do anything else and he has shit stats compared to kyrre, am i just meant to slowly pass weeks amass more...

Author: PMUET , 01-06-2024 12:35

Version - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

What's your Hota version? more...

Author: noam , 01-06-2024 10:48

I can't load this mpa - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

someone know how to solve this? I updated my hota to the latest virsion more...

Author: Mary (Banora Point, NSW), 01-06-2024 07:18

excellent map - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Very arduous, every fight was difficult. The game was, despite this level of difficulty, very enjoyable, lots of goodies to find, seers huts to exchange creatures was a first class idea. there are a few places that are inaccessible, but overall a fabulous map Thank you to the author, creating this m more...

Author: Matheus (Brasil), 01-06-2024 01:29

Thanks! - Game of Thrones - Heroes 3 map

Thanks for the comment! Play my other map based on AGoT, more developed and with other elements added.

Author: Tolo , 01-06-2024 00:02

Great map, absolutely enjoyed it :D - L & W In The Spider Web - Heroes 3 map

Idk if im the only one using Warferer but definietly one of the few more...

Author: Francois (France), 31-05-2024 21:08

Totally playable and winnable! - People of the sea - Heroes 7 map

Thanks for taking the time to comment on this map but contrary to what you indicate, not only is this map playable but it is also totally winnable!
Of course, you have to adapt your strategy, as I indicated in response to another comment.
By playing differently than you usually do, you will discov

Author: Jorge , 31-05-2024 20:49

Brown keymaster's tent - Reunification of the Empire - Heroes 3 map

There are two brown keymaster's tents underground. more...

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 31-05-2024 17:46

:) - Battlejuice 2.5 Mayday - Heroes 3 map

Clear, thank you more...

Author: Zee Prime (Prague), 31-05-2024 15:53

UNPLAYABLE!!! - People of the sea - Heroes 7 map

This map takes 5000 gold from you daily at the beginning. After several weeks it is 10000 + 10 ore + 10 wood. Impossible to evolve even with the advice from Francois. You may get lucky with the "economics grandmaster" heroes, but you cannot earn enough to satisfy the pirates. Maybe one in more...

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Heroes7 - Your opinions about The traitor - map rating = 0 Likes

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Download map The traitor - heroes 7 maps

   Download map -> The traitor

Heroes 7: Heroes 7.5 extension

Available languages : english, french, german.
Because Tieru decided to concentrate his efforts on water magic, thus abandoning earth magic, his former allies, denouncing treason, joined forces against him.
Tieru is a traitor!
The people of Nature & Earth invoked an ancient and very powerful magic that caused teleportation portals to appear near the fertile grove, Castle Tieru, making its position strategically untenable.
Seeing this, the Druids , Tieru's staunch allies, have decided to leave the castles of Tieru's former allies to try to block access to these dimensional portals. But how long will they be able to hold out against the vehement attacks to which they will be subjected?
Choose the Sylvan for all players.
Choose AI heroic difficulty (on the left side).
To be played with the free Heroes VII.V mod version 1.35 minimum.

Added: 15-04-2024

Heroes 7 maps: Big Boss Bongo | War of the Elementals | Dungeon vs Stronghold | Doppelganger

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The traitor walkthrough

Warning : This map requires the free Heroes VII.V mod.
Heroes VII.V adds 7 new factions to Heroes VII and dozens of new creatures, new spells, artifacts, dozens of new heroes, new buildings, and more.
It's almost a new game with so many new features, and all for free because it's made by a group of Heroes VII fans.
In addition, the AI has been redesigned and tuned to be much more efficient, thus renewing the interest in the game.
Many bugs have been fixed so that it is possible to play with two players while greatly reducing crashes.
Warning: you must have the DLC Trial by Fire to be able to install Heroes VII..
Here is the Heroes VII.V mod download link (Get the latest version):

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Heroes 3 map: "Atlantic Revolutions"

Heroes 3 New map: "1797:Northern Italy campaign"

Heroes 7 maps

Heroes 7 patch 2.2 now available

Heroes 7 Creatures Fortress

Heroes 7 patch 1.8 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.7 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.6 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.5 now available

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Heroes 7 patch 1.3 now available

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Heroes 7 available!!! - Launch Trailer

Heroes 7 - closed beta 2 now available!

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Heroes 7 Elves faction

Heroes 7 Dwarves faction

Heroes 7 Academy faction

Heroes 7 Haven faction

Heroes 7 release date: 29 September 2015

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