Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 23-04-2024 13:26

Navigation, logistic, earth and one scholar. And ECONOMY, ECONOMY, ECONOMY. - Sail Into The Black - Heroes 3 map

3 navigators, but spend a lot of time for new castles. Possible to finish early. Sail and explore, be careful - a lot of traps. All connected with water-i mean enemies cities. more...

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 23-04-2024 13:18

DIPLOMACY DOESNT WORK - Sail Into The Black - Heroes 3 map

Thx for good work,finished on 3m3w1d.Elfs forever, started with Enova. First step 3mines including gold, 2 heroes with expert money and 2 navigators onboard. One collecting, second Voy took inferno castle on 7th day with 50 centaurs. In the end had 5 heroes with TP and ressurection. more...

Author: Ja Rite (United States), 23-04-2024 01:26

Nice Map - To conquer the world - Heroes 3 map

Well done map, lots of detail, agree with other poster no reason to have tents if you have FLY/DD.

I'd recommend a version with some banned spells (or gettable later so it's easier to clean up at the end). Also buff up computer players, otherwise fun map.

Thanks for the upload!

Author: Luis (Peru), 22-04-2024 20:38

like - Road to Victory III - BACK TO YESTERDAY - Heroes 3 map

is very funny more...

Author: Kir (Russia), 22-04-2024 15:19

map - To conquer the world - Heroes 3 map

Good balanced map. A variety of filled in locations. All spells are allowed, which makes keyman tents pointless (didn't visit any). more...

Author: handrew (Bellingham WA USA), 22-04-2024 07:23

I'm stuck with the same issue - Fawn's Labyrinth - Heroes 3 map

month 50 :( more...

Author: AdeLaida (Omsk, Russia), 21-04-2024 22:40

something go wrong on this site - A GRANDMASTER'S CHALLENGE - Heroes 4 map

I try to attach photo again more...

Author: AdeLaida (Omsk, Russia), 21-04-2024 22:33


Ok, I finished it. Central island was very boring, so I thought drop this map, but return and win.
About map:
- terrain is awful! Only "Pathfinder" spell in early stage makes me sane and calm - but it was luck (twice a row - a find spellbook in first skeleton, then I find shrine near ma

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 19:31

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Určitě si ho zahraju, už se těším ;) more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 21-04-2024 18:10

Portishead - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Ano editor až v nouzi i já takhle hraji, ale občas je nutné to zkontrolovat:) Ještě jednou dík za koment a koukni na pokračování až vyjde. more...

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 17:33

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Snažil jsem se všechny tvoje mapy hrát bez návodů i editoru, a většinou se mi to myslím povedlo. Ale párkrát jsem mrknout musel, když jsem třeba minul artefakt co není vidět na mapě, ten se pak zpětně hledá hodně těžko... :D A začátek se mi líbil, člověk jen musel pochopit co dělat, pak už to šlo. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 21-04-2024 17:19

Portishead - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Myslím že současná verze je i o něco lehčí, takže super že jsi to prošel. Jinak začátek je na YT jsou tam i dva pěkné průchody celou mapou. Každopádně jestli jsi zvládl začátek bez nápovědy klobouk dolů, některé komentáře co jsem četl na YT, psaly že je ten start pěkně crazy:) more...

Author: We love BiskupKonrad's Studios (Croatia), 21-04-2024 16:52

A - Blood, Death and Redemption - Heroes 3 map

Can I apply for beta testing :D more...

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 16:40

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Ahoj, není vůbec zač. Hrál jsem verzi 1.5, protože už jsem to měl delší dobu uložený v PC, a nějak mě nenapadlo se před začátkem hraní kouknout, jestli nevyšel update. Ale na hratelnost to vliv nemělo, s tím žádný problém nebyl. Co mi problém dělalo byl samozřejmě začátek, ten jsem opakoval asi 5x, more...

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Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!







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Goetz 2_Die Rache des Dungeons - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Goetz 2_Die Rache des Dungeons

by nobs
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 28-02-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 329
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 3
Teams : 2
Goetz 2_Die Rache des Dungeons - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Goetz 2_Die Rache des Dungeons underground
Language: German
Konig Hermann der Starke hatte es leicht, den Elfen ein Friedensbundnis zu diktieren, nachdem Goetz die Nordliche Mark erfolgreich gesaubert hatte. Aber mit den Dunkelelfen war das nicht zu machen. Im Gegenteil, ihr Blutrausch war nun erst recht in Wallung. Rache war ihr Ansinnen. Einem letzten Aufgebot gelang die Flucht ubers Meer und brachte alle Dungeons der benachbarten Inseln zur Mobilmachung.
Also auf und ihnen nach. "So fahr er denn da hinne, Goetz, und stelle er klar, dass ich dahir der Starkste Konig sey. Stopfe er diesem Gesocks das Maul aufs Grundlichste." So spricht ein Monarch zu seinem Vasallen. – Hm, na denn ...

Sanctuary (edited version) - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Sanctuary (edited version)

by Edited by Fiur
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 17-09-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 197
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 0
Sanctuary (edited version) - Your opinions [0]
Disabled Artifacts:
- Amulet of the Necromancy
- Boots of Levitation
- Magic Scroll of....
- Sextant of the Sea Elves
- Wand of.....
- Wings of the Angel, Added Boots of the Open roads *2
Disabled Spell:
- Instant Travel
Magi v pustyne - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Magi v pustyne

by Eugenia
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 23-12-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 489
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 4
Teams : 3
Magi v pustyne - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Magi v pustyne underground
Language: Russian
Многие годы четыре фантастических расы жили мирно, но со временем гномы и демоны объединились в союз и стали нападать на магов. В принципе, магам есть чем ответить на эти инсинуации... А эльфы вообще решили держать нейтралитет.

Суровые времена - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Суровые времена

by Ogo
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 21-05-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 256
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 5
Players : 5
Teams : 0
Суровые времена - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Суровые времена underground
Language: Russian
Во времена затишья быстро забываются скрежет стали и гром падающих с неба метеоров. К сожалению этот долгий мир был прерван и снова пришла война. Уже новые воины обретают боевые умения, а маги ищут давно забытые колдовские тексты в недрах этого мира. Существует легенда, что в древнем городе Волшебства до сих пор сохранились самые мощные из заклинаний. Но будет ли тот, кто сможет постичь их?

Ilando Rondo Alta - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Ilando Rondo Alta

by gerspeece
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 16-12-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 584
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 3
Teams : 0
Ilando Rondo Alta - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Ilando Rondo Alta underground
Language: German
Raelag ist in Deine Dienste getreten! Seine angeborene Gabe Schiffe herbeizurufen und unverzuglich zu reisen machen ihn besonders wertvoll fur Dich. Rufe Dir Deine Schiffe und verliere sie niemals! Sei gewiss, Du bist der einzige, der der Gabe des Schiffe-Rufens machtig ist. Doch wenn Du diesen Vorteil verspielst, sind die Chancen im Untergrund. Geruchte helfen auch...

Minimum Magicum Arenum - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Minimum Magicum Arenum

by gerspeece
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 22-01-2018
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 167
Size : Tiny
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Minimum Magicum Arenum - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Minimum Magicum Arenum underground
Schnell & Heftig!

Two halfs - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Two halfs

by Ogo
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 01-12-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 170
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 2
Two halfs - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Two halfs underground
It is the island, where white and black are completing for ages in order to define, which is more powerful.

Dominating side - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Dominating side

by Ogo
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 10-03-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 171
Size : Tiny
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 0
Dominating side - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Dominating side underground
In the given world, there are two sides. One of them has to be dominating. But which one?

Qualmende Insel - Heroes 5 original Qualmende Insel

by Bugrider
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 07-11-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 359
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 0
Qualmende Insel - Your opinions [0]
Language: German
Wiedereinmal, giert das Damonenreich nach dem prallen Leben Ashans und wiedereinmal steht es vor den Toren der Silberstadte. Unzahlige male verfluchten die Damonen die eitlen Magier und der Kampf forderte unzahlige Opfer auf beiden Seiten bis ein mehr oder weniger freiwilliges einverstandniss beider Seiten zu einem Kompromiss fuhrte. Die Magier, die ihrerseits mit machtigen Bannzaubern die Damonen fur immer in finsteres Reich zu verbannen suchten, trafen auf den Wiederstand des Damonenherschers selbst, welcher mit seiner enormen Macht die gigantischen magischen Strome der Magier abzulenken wusste. Hier griff der Siebte selbst ein und formte zwei Inseln, die in einem Wettkampf gegeneinander bestehen sollten.

Albtraum - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Albtraum

by Shorty157
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 12-12-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 651
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 6
Albtraum - Your opinions [0]
Language: German
Ihr habt das Konigreich mal wieder heldenhaft gerettet. Auf der Siegesfeier trinkt Ihr reichlich. Als Ihr euch abends schlafen legt, ruht Ihr unruhig. Ein Albtraum plagt Euch in der Nacht...

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Heroes 5 original | Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate | Heroes 5 Tribes of the East

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!

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Heroes 5 News

Heroes Kingdoms news

New campaign "566 year - The Day of Fiery Tears" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Manual 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 Patch 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 FAQ from Fabrice Cambounet

Old horse cursors Mod for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Patch 1.6 released

The FIRST MAP "Mythical Realm" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5: Tribes of the east NOW released!

Heroes 5 hints: Mini Artifacts

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - Orc Blood Rage ability & Screenshots

Heroes 5: Tribes of the East GC 2007 Trailer

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - News & Screenshots

Staff reduction at Nival

Heroes 5 ToE: Dwarves alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Academy alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Demons and Orcs

Heroes 5 ToE: Necropolis alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Inferno alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Dungeon alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Sylvan alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Patch 1.5 released

SkillWheel in game

Heroes 5: First Official Map Contest

Heroes 5 walkthrough Hammers of Fate

Heroes 5 - The Skull of Shadows

Heroes 5 Patches 1.41+2.01 download

Heroes 5: Hammers of Fate : Cheats

Heroes 5 - New Dwarven Creatures - stats and abilities

The Heroes 5 expansion: Hammers of Fate has been released!!

Heroes 5 - Dwarven racial skills and abilities

Heroes 5 Patch 1.4 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 - Tapani's random map generator

Heroes 5 - Fortress Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 Fortress - Dwarves Faction

Heroes 5 Patch 1.3 download here - with Heroes 5 Map Editor

Heroes 5 - Renegates and Neutrals units

Heroes 5 walkthrough campaigns

Heroes 5 - Dragon Utopia. v. Haven

Heroes 5 Patch 1.2 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 Artefacts

Heroes 5 Spells and Magic

Heroes 5 - Patch 1.1 Bugfixes

Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate FAQ & New screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ about Hammers of fate expansion

About Heroes 5 Map Editor

FAQ by Heroes 5 producer Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - FAQ by Nival Interactive - 8 june 2006

Heroes 5 Haven Strategy

Heroes 5 - HEX-codes

Heroes 5 - DEMO

Heroes 5 - Wallpapers

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Music

Heroes 5 - Academy - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Dungeon - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Inferno - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Sylvan - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Olivier Ledoit Q&A

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #3: The Battlefield

Heroes 5 - Necropolis - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Haven - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #2 - Handling A Beta Test

Heroes 5 - Magic

Heroes 5 - The Town Construction Interface

Heroes 5 - Creatures Special Abilities

Heroes 5 - Unique racial abilities Q&A

Heroes 5 - Academy Faction

Heroes 5 - ACADEMY - Creatures

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Faction

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Faction

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Creatures

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - Dungeon Faction Q&A

Heroes 5 - Live chat logs with Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - The Necromancers

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - Creatures

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - The Lords of Chaos

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - Creatures

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - The Knights of the Light

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - development diary #1: REVAMPING THE M&M UNIVERSE

Heroes 5 - FAQ - July 2005

Heroes 5 - dev team's ambitions

Heroes 5 screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ

Heroes 5 - features

Heroes 5 - Homepage

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