Author: Andor (UK), 11-05-2024 19:23

Feedback - Порядок из Хаоса (Order from Chaos) - Heroes 3 map

I don't know man, I don't really like heavily scripted maps, where Hero "x" targets you specifically at a certain date and time and you have to be quick to build your army and what not or else you lose...I mean I don't really have a problem with that but if I don't know more...

Author: Graf von Furcht (Hnvr, Grmny), 11-05-2024 19:12

Cmmt - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

Hello Kir!
Thank you very much for your comment!
I always like to hear suggestions for improvement. Have fun conquering!

Author: Дмитрий (Россия), 11-05-2024 18:53

Пока сложно - Стражи Шотландии (Guardians of Scotland) - Heroes 3 map

Поиграл 4 месяца, открыл довольно много (южные замки все мои).
Но убитые красные герои каждый раз возвращаются со всё большей армией, а я её теряю, так как выигрывать без потерь не получается.
Также, напрягают 2 оранжевых героя, которые ходят с пока не пробиваемыми армиями.
Сильно помогла бы слеп

Author: Kir (Russia), 11-05-2024 15:43

map - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

The map really is very special. When If you go through it normally, you won't understand all the ideas. If only in the editor to see.... For example, the tents of keymen way not to bonuses, but to problems. Nevertheless, I will appreciate it. Graf is one of the few who makes large detailed maps more...

Author: Alisa (belarus), 11-05-2024 15:16

black tent - Fawn's Labyrinth - Heroes 3 map

how to get to a black tent. playing for red. thnx more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:55

No cheats, no tricks. - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

No horn, no cloack, no beserk used, of course. more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:45

Win, finally - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

Finished at 14º month.
Impossible dificulty.
Losing faith so may times, but
Wanna spoiler?

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 10-05-2024 18:23

. We must take wing and conquer the heavens...Icarus - Kill the Gods - Heroes 3 map

Thx for joy. Odissey didnt receive fire magic and was used only vs opps, but not gods.Luna rules. I had 18 heroes to collect resources and harasses opps. After opening card with Graal i find scroll of TP, BUT have to visit all tents. I won after 182 days. Dont take empty stuff on water coz gods will more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:21

beware of fangram quest change to this factory update map 1.7 - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

I spent 4 months getting the 125 with my whole strategy planned out to get to the seer hut with 125 and suddenly it's 333 now? I abandoned my game, deleted your map and reinstalled the old map with a more reasonable quest requirement. 333 takes way too long. I wonder if there's even much l more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:16

factory update fangram quest - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

why increase the requirement from 125 to 333? Isn't that kind of ridiculous? more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 14:32

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Ah, I see. So you need to skip the scholar for earth magic then and take artillery on your 1st turn. more...

Author: 32167 , 10-05-2024 10:15

-- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I moved the tree a little to the side in the latest version of the map. Now there are only steps for one scholar. In the previous version there was half a step in reserve. It was such the freedom of action :) more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 08:02

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

You are probably taking too many steps diagonally. Try taking as many steps horizontally or vertically as reasonable and you'll be able to pick up both piles, both scholars, 1 pandora box and get back in time to take a town. more...

Author: yela (Bucharest), 10-05-2024 00:07

day 1 - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I can't get past day one, I just don't have the movement speed to get the ore and lumber to build magic guild to get slow, what am I doing wrong? more...

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Heroes 5 - Maps - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!







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| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | ... | 161-170 |

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The Virgin Of Ponce -- Episode 1, Avenge Lady Linda - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate The Virgin Of Ponce -- Episode 1, Avenge Lady Linda

by rdeford, Mage of Soquim
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 18-01-2018
Rating : 0
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Download : 613
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 2
Teams : 0
The Virgin Of Ponce -- Episode 1, Avenge Lady Linda - Your opinions [8]
The Virgin Of Ponce returns home after several months of fighting in the King's illconceived attempt to end terrorism by launching a pre-emptive strike against another kingdom. She quickly finds that the mice will play while the cat's away.
Necronomicon - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Necronomicon

by Burn Lord
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 02-10-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 298
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 3
Teams : 0
Necronomicon - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Necronomicon underground
Language: Russian
Слухами полнится земля...
Один из них книга мёртвых - Некрономикон, которую спрятали маги тёмных искуств того времени. Остальные книги по этому искуству были преданы огню магами Серебрянных городов в надежде уменьшить количество Некромантов.
Теперь прошло много времени и вот некромант средних лет, исчерпав все ресурсы гильдии и поняв, что больше его там ни чему не научат решается пойти на рискованный шаг --- пойти по пути слухов...

A Mystic Realm bkp - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate A Mystic Realm bkp

by Evan Beasley
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 30-12-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 662
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 4
A Mystic Realm bkp - Your opinions [2]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - A Mystic Realm bkp underground
Resources are accessible, but then so are your foes.

GooD and EviL - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate GooD and EviL

by †G¤bli¹†
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 26-05-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 158
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 3
Teams : 0
GooD and EviL - Your opinions [0]
Language: Russian
Чаша весов Добра и Зла переменчива... История сложилась так, что Злом был вызван ужасный Демон Нашор. Но маги Тьмы не смогли удержать его. Демон вышел из - под контроля. Добро, узнав про это, обратилось к магам Света. Маги временно смогли всего лишь ограничить мир от его воздействия.
Кто победит? Добро или Зло - решать Вам…

The Six Factions - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate The Six Factions

by Gilbert Sy
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 01-02-2018
Rating : 0
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Download : 1375
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 0
The Six Factions - Your opinions [9]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - The Six Factions underground
Objective: Capture all enemy towns
Player Area Information:
- Each player starts with 1 town
- There are 3 towns at each player area (2 neutral and 1 owned by the player totalling to 18 on the map)
Points of Entry:
- There are 4 points of entry at each player area
- Paths lead to the 2 adjacent player areas
- 1 monolith teleports heroes to the furthest player area
- 1 subterranean gate leads to an underground subway that connects to all player areas
- The keymaster tent is required for access to the Tear of Asha

Kartenland - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Kartenland

by Shorty157
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 04-08-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 314
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 5
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Kartenland - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Kartenland underground
Ein Land aus Karten.

3v3 - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate 3v3

by Daniel Gratien
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 08-04-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 1252
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 2
3v3 - Your opinions [8]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - 3v3 underground

Goetz 3 Am Rande des Abgrunds - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Goetz 3 Am Rande des Abgrunds

by nobs
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 11-01-2018
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 632
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 7
Teams : 3
Goetz 3 Am Rande des Abgrunds - Your opinions [5]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Goetz 3 Am Rande des Abgrunds underground
Language: German
Der letzte Feldzug gegen die Dunkelelfen hat Goetz und seine Mannen and den Rand der Erschopfung gebracht. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgerechnet die Damonen im Hintergrund die Faden hielten. Als diese dann Goetz dezimierte Armee angriffen, blieb nur noch die schnelle Flucht uber die See und durch den Mahlstrom. So steht Goetz nun mit seinen letzten Getreuen fern der Heimat - und am Rande des Abgrunds.

Annavantas Suche Teil 3 - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Annavantas Suche Teil 3

by M.Quinn
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 30-09-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 461
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 0
Annavantas Suche Teil 3 - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate - Annavantas Suche Teil 3 underground
Language: German
Annavanta wurde bewu?t, da? sie Hilfe von einer Person benotigte die sich in der Zauberei gut auskannte. Durch ihre zeitweilige Fahigkeit sich mit den Magiern der Ordnungsmagie
in Verbindung zu setzen, schickten diese daraufhin eine alte Bekannte durch ein Dimensionsportal. Leider bemerken die
hiesigen Akademiemagier dieses Vorhaben und versuchen dies zu verhindern.
Ellaine mu?te aufgrund eines Sterbefalles in ihrer Familie zuruck in die Heimat.
Annavanta wird auch erkennen mussen, da? sie es in dieser neuen Welt mit Gegner zu tun haben wird, die ihr bisher verborgen geblieben sind.

Voyage of the Seven HoF - Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate Voyage of the Seven HoF

by Datarush
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate
Added 23-12-2017
Rating : 0
Rate this map
Download : 247
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Voyage of the Seven HoF - Your opinions [0]
Form new alliances amongst the creatures in a time before Havens, Dungeons and the others. Throw off the yoke of servitude and the taxes that all must pay to Hell and their Undead Brethren.

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | ... | 161-170 |

Heroes 5 original | Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate | Heroes 5 Tribes of the East

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!

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Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss 1.6.1 - Download Section

Heroes 5 News

Heroes Kingdoms news

New campaign "566 year - The Day of Fiery Tears" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Manual 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 Patch 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 FAQ from Fabrice Cambounet

Old horse cursors Mod for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Patch 1.6 released

The FIRST MAP "Mythical Realm" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5: Tribes of the east NOW released!

Heroes 5 hints: Mini Artifacts

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - Orc Blood Rage ability & Screenshots

Heroes 5: Tribes of the East GC 2007 Trailer

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - News & Screenshots

Staff reduction at Nival

Heroes 5 ToE: Dwarves alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Academy alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Demons and Orcs

Heroes 5 ToE: Necropolis alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Inferno alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Dungeon alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Sylvan alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Patch 1.5 released

SkillWheel in game

Heroes 5: First Official Map Contest

Heroes 5 walkthrough Hammers of Fate

Heroes 5 - The Skull of Shadows

Heroes 5 Patches 1.41+2.01 download

Heroes 5: Hammers of Fate : Cheats

Heroes 5 - New Dwarven Creatures - stats and abilities

The Heroes 5 expansion: Hammers of Fate has been released!!

Heroes 5 - Dwarven racial skills and abilities

Heroes 5 Patch 1.4 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 - Tapani's random map generator

Heroes 5 - Fortress Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 Fortress - Dwarves Faction

Heroes 5 Patch 1.3 download here - with Heroes 5 Map Editor

Heroes 5 - Renegates and Neutrals units

Heroes 5 walkthrough campaigns

Heroes 5 - Dragon Utopia. v. Haven

Heroes 5 Patch 1.2 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 Artefacts

Heroes 5 Spells and Magic

Heroes 5 - Patch 1.1 Bugfixes

Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate FAQ & New screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ about Hammers of fate expansion

About Heroes 5 Map Editor

FAQ by Heroes 5 producer Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - FAQ by Nival Interactive - 8 june 2006

Heroes 5 Haven Strategy

Heroes 5 - HEX-codes

Heroes 5 - DEMO

Heroes 5 - Wallpapers

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Music

Heroes 5 - Academy - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Dungeon - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Inferno - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Sylvan - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Olivier Ledoit Q&A

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #3: The Battlefield

Heroes 5 - Necropolis - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Haven - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #2 - Handling A Beta Test

Heroes 5 - Magic

Heroes 5 - The Town Construction Interface

Heroes 5 - Creatures Special Abilities

Heroes 5 - Unique racial abilities Q&A

Heroes 5 - Academy Faction

Heroes 5 - ACADEMY - Creatures

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Faction

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Faction

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Creatures

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - Dungeon Faction Q&A

Heroes 5 - Live chat logs with Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - The Necromancers

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - Creatures

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - The Lords of Chaos

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - Creatures

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - The Knights of the Light

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - development diary #1: REVAMPING THE M&M UNIVERSE

Heroes 5 - FAQ - July 2005

Heroes 5 - dev team's ambitions

Heroes 5 screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ

Heroes 5 - features

Heroes 5 - Homepage

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