Author: Andor (UK), 11-05-2024 19:23

Feedback - Порядок из Хаоса (Order from Chaos) - Heroes 3 map

I don't know man, I don't really like heavily scripted maps, where Hero "x" targets you specifically at a certain date and time and you have to be quick to build your army and what not or else you lose...I mean I don't really have a problem with that but if I don't know more...

Author: Graf von Furcht (Hnvr, Grmny), 11-05-2024 19:12

Cmmt - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

Hello Kir!
Thank you very much for your comment!
I always like to hear suggestions for improvement. Have fun conquering!

Author: Дмитрий (Россия), 11-05-2024 18:53

Пока сложно - Стражи Шотландии (Guardians of Scotland) - Heroes 3 map

Поиграл 4 месяца, открыл довольно много (южные замки все мои).
Но убитые красные герои каждый раз возвращаются со всё большей армией, а я её теряю, так как выигрывать без потерь не получается.
Также, напрягают 2 оранжевых героя, которые ходят с пока не пробиваемыми армиями.
Сильно помогла бы слеп

Author: Kir (Russia), 11-05-2024 15:43

map - The Master of Heroes - Heroes 4 map

The map really is very special. When If you go through it normally, you won't understand all the ideas. If only in the editor to see.... For example, the tents of keymen way not to bonuses, but to problems. Nevertheless, I will appreciate it. Graf is one of the few who makes large detailed maps more...

Author: Alisa (belarus), 11-05-2024 15:16

black tent - Fawn's Labyrinth - Heroes 3 map

how to get to a black tent. playing for red. thnx more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:55

No cheats, no tricks. - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

No horn, no cloack, no beserk used, of course. more...

Author: ciceron (España), 11-05-2024 02:45

Win, finally - Kingdom Siege - The Reckoning! - Heroes 3 map

Finished at 14º month.
Impossible dificulty.
Losing faith so may times, but
Wanna spoiler?

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 10-05-2024 18:23

. We must take wing and conquer the heavens...Icarus - Kill the Gods - Heroes 3 map

Thx for joy. Odissey didnt receive fire magic and was used only vs opps, but not gods.Luna rules. I had 18 heroes to collect resources and harasses opps. After opening card with Graal i find scroll of TP, BUT have to visit all tents. I won after 182 days. Dont take empty stuff on water coz gods will more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:21

beware of fangram quest change to this factory update map 1.7 - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

I spent 4 months getting the 125 with my whole strategy planned out to get to the seer hut with 125 and suddenly it's 333 now? I abandoned my game, deleted your map and reinstalled the old map with a more reasonable quest requirement. 333 takes way too long. I wonder if there's even much l more...

Author: mee , 10-05-2024 16:16

factory update fangram quest - The Devil Is In The Detail - Heroes 3 map

why increase the requirement from 125 to 333? Isn't that kind of ridiculous? more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 14:32

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Ah, I see. So you need to skip the scholar for earth magic then and take artillery on your 1st turn. more...

Author: 32167 , 10-05-2024 10:15

-- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I moved the tree a little to the side in the latest version of the map. Now there are only steps for one scholar. In the previous version there was half a step in reserve. It was such the freedom of action :) more...

Author: wasilix , 10-05-2024 08:02

- - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

You are probably taking too many steps diagonally. Try taking as many steps horizontally or vertically as reasonable and you'll be able to pick up both piles, both scholars, 1 pandora box and get back in time to take a town. more...

Author: yela (Bucharest), 10-05-2024 00:07

day 1 - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

I can't get past day one, I just don't have the movement speed to get the ore and lumber to build magic guild to get slow, what am I doing wrong? more...

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Heroes 5 - Maps - Heroes 5 original

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!







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| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | ... | 151-153 |

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Qualmende Insel - Heroes 5 original Qualmende Insel

by Bugrider
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 07-11-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 361
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 0
Qualmende Insel - Your opinions [0]
Language: German
Wiedereinmal, giert das Damonenreich nach dem prallen Leben Ashans und wiedereinmal steht es vor den Toren der Silberstadte. Unzahlige male verfluchten die Damonen die eitlen Magier und der Kampf forderte unzahlige Opfer auf beiden Seiten bis ein mehr oder weniger freiwilliges einverstandniss beider Seiten zu einem Kompromiss fuhrte. Die Magier, die ihrerseits mit machtigen Bannzaubern die Damonen fur immer in finsteres Reich zu verbannen suchten, trafen auf den Wiederstand des Damonenherschers selbst, welcher mit seiner enormen Macht die gigantischen magischen Strome der Magier abzulenken wusste. Hier griff der Siebte selbst ein und formte zwei Inseln, die in einem Wettkampf gegeneinander bestehen sollten.

Das Wagnis - Heroes 5 original Das Wagnis

by Phallanx
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 04-02-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 305
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 4
Teams : 0
Das Wagnis - Your opinions [0]
Language: German
Ihr ward von jeher ein handeltreibendes Volk.Eure Stadt entsprechend ausgebaut und wohlhabend.Doch die Bedrohung
jenseits der Grenzen eures Reiches wird spurbar gro?er. Ihr musst euch entscheiden, weiter lediglich Handel zu treiben und einem moglichen Angriff schuztlos gegenuber zu stehen,oder selbst die goldverschlingende Kriegsmaschinerie anzutreiben um euch gegen Ubergriffe verteidigen zu konnen.Werdet Ihr das Wagnis eines heraufziehenden Krieges eingehen ?
Two Islands - Heroes 5 original Two Islands

by Apocalypse
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 11-09-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 859
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 2
Two Islands - Your opinions [3]
During the War of the Artifacts, in an attempt to destroy his enemy, a Dark Elf Warlock unleashed a powerful spell that ripped away the land between him and the raging Demon Lord, splitting the island in two. Even though the enemy was sealed in his island, the Dark Elves could not continue their lives without the important mines, because, unfortunately, they were to be found on the land that was destroyed. This place was soon abandoned without knowing that some of the mines are still waiting isolated on solid grounds.
Now, after three hundred years, new generations come to fight for power and conquer the 'Two Islands'.

Evil Labrynth - Heroes 5 original Evil Labrynth

by Evan Beasley
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 15-12-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 1703
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 7
Players : 7
Teams : 4
Evil Labrynth - Your opinions [4]
Heroes 5 original - Evil Labrynth underground
The poor demons, just because you want to discover the underworld in your efforts means you now have to face challenges and riches undreamed of. It also means that you are the path through which everyone must tread to get to the underworld.

The Eastern Frontier - Heroes 5 original The Eastern Frontier

by Finkellll
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 22-07-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 714
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 2
Teams : 0
The Eastern Frontier - Your opinions [1]
Hell's population has been growing in past years... making a border expansion inevitable. The Sylvan are the closest neighbors to Hell with the weakest defenses. The Leader of the Sylvan Forces gave his generals one clear order: Defend the Eastern Frontier with you lives. We enter at the turning point in the battle. The Inferno has pushed the Defenders back to their main camp, and they are now forced to make a stand against the minions of Hell. Retreat is unacceptable, but with the Inferno closing fast on both sides, is retreat even a choice?

Hero le Fou - Heroes 5 original Hero le Fou

by insatiable
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 19-06-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 241
Size : Tiny
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 2
Players : 2
Teams : 2
Hero le Fou - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 original - Hero le Fou underground

Might Makes Right - Heroes 5 original Might Makes Right

by Terrance
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 27-11-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 351
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 3
Players : 3
Teams : 0
Might Makes Right - Your opinions [0]
Heroes 5 original - Might Makes Right underground
If you can take these lands, its wealth will be yours. A blood-thirsty warrior is what you need. Choose wisely....will it be the Demon Lord Nebiros (Blue flag), the Warlock Wizard Ohtar (Green flag), or perhaps the Necromancer Princess Lucretia (Red flag)? Be strong!...and be victorious! But if you're weak, then alas you shall perish....Ha, hahahaha....

Blitskrig - Heroes 5 original Blitskrig

by Ogo
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 23-01-2018
Rating : 0
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Download : 187
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 4
Blitskrig - Your opinions [0]
If you have war plans you should not act slowly. The best way to stay alive - is to make your attack swist and quick, and to trust in your talent of warlord.

Блицкриг - Heroes 5 original Блицкриг

by Ogo
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 14-11-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 111
Size : Small
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 4
Блицкриг - Your opinions [0]
Language: Russian
Если вы задумали войну, то не стоит действовать медлительно. Лучший способ уцелеть - это не жалеть сил на быструю и безжалостную атаку, ринуться вперёд полагаясь во всём на свой талант полководца!

A Death Knight's Journey - Heroes 5 original A Death Knight's Journey

by Finkellll
Type Heroes 5 Heroes 5 original
Added 12-11-2017
Rating : 0
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Download : 2362
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 4
Teams : 4
A Death Knight's Journey - Your opinions [10]
Our story takes place just after the birth of the Necropolis. For those not familiar, the monsters that would serve all Necromancers, and their appopriate "tier" are decided in a battle royale. The heroes that founded the Necropolis evaluate their performance under the hero that chooses to lead each monster. The try-out was going very smoothly for the death knights, a favorite for the 6th tier, when they were cheated by the wraiths. The heroes unjustly gave the wraiths the 6th tier, and threw the death knights out. That night, the wraiths used their new power to exterminate the death knights. Zoltan, the death knight hero, fled with only a few surviving knights, and since that day, has sworn vengance upon the Wraiths.

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | ... | 151-153 |

Heroes 5 original | Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate | Heroes 5 Tribes of the East

Folder to put Heroes 5 Maps is /Maps in your game directory. This folder is generated automatically the first time you start the map editor!!!

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Heroes 5 News

Heroes Kingdoms news

New campaign "566 year - The Day of Fiery Tears" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Manual 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 Patch 3.1 for the Tribes of the East

Heroes 5 FAQ from Fabrice Cambounet

Old horse cursors Mod for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5 Patch 1.6 released

The FIRST MAP "Mythical Realm" for Heroes 5: Tribes of the east

Heroes 5: Tribes of the east NOW released!

Heroes 5 hints: Mini Artifacts

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - Orc Blood Rage ability & Screenshots

Heroes 5: Tribes of the East GC 2007 Trailer

Heroes 5: Tribes of The East - News & Screenshots

Staff reduction at Nival

Heroes 5 ToE: Dwarves alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Academy alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 ToE: Demons and Orcs

Heroes 5 ToE: Necropolis alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Inferno alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Dungeon alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Tribes of the East: Sylvan alternate upgrades

Heroes 5 Patch 1.5 released

SkillWheel in game

Heroes 5: First Official Map Contest

Heroes 5 walkthrough Hammers of Fate

Heroes 5 - The Skull of Shadows

Heroes 5 Patches 1.41+2.01 download

Heroes 5: Hammers of Fate : Cheats

Heroes 5 - New Dwarven Creatures - stats and abilities

The Heroes 5 expansion: Hammers of Fate has been released!!

Heroes 5 - Dwarven racial skills and abilities

Heroes 5 Patch 1.4 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 - Tapani's random map generator

Heroes 5 - Fortress Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 Fortress - Dwarves Faction

Heroes 5 Patch 1.3 download here - with Heroes 5 Map Editor

Heroes 5 - Renegates and Neutrals units

Heroes 5 walkthrough campaigns

Heroes 5 - Dragon Utopia. v. Haven

Heroes 5 Patch 1.2 - download now !!!

Heroes 5 Artefacts

Heroes 5 Spells and Magic

Heroes 5 - Patch 1.1 Bugfixes

Heroes 5 Hammers of Fate FAQ & New screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ about Hammers of fate expansion

About Heroes 5 Map Editor

FAQ by Heroes 5 producer Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - FAQ by Nival Interactive - 8 june 2006

Heroes 5 Haven Strategy

Heroes 5 - HEX-codes

Heroes 5 - DEMO

Heroes 5 - Wallpapers

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Music

Heroes 5 - Academy - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Dungeon - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Inferno - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Sylvan - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Olivier Ledoit Q&A

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #3: The Battlefield

Heroes 5 - Necropolis - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Haven - Heroes biographies

Heroes 5 - Development Letter #2 - Handling A Beta Test

Heroes 5 - Magic

Heroes 5 - The Town Construction Interface

Heroes 5 - Creatures Special Abilities

Heroes 5 - Unique racial abilities Q&A

Heroes 5 - Academy Faction

Heroes 5 - ACADEMY - Creatures

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Faction

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Faction

Heroes 5 - DUNGEON - Creatures

Heroes 5 - SYLVAN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - Dungeon Faction Q&A

Heroes 5 - Live chat logs with Fabrice Cambounet

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - The Necromancers

Heroes 5 - NECROPOLIS - Creatures

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - The Lords of Chaos

Heroes 5 - INFERNO - Creatures

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - The Knights of the Light

Heroes 5 - HAVEN - Creatures

Heroes 5 - development diary #1: REVAMPING THE M&M UNIVERSE

Heroes 5 - FAQ - July 2005

Heroes 5 - dev team's ambitions

Heroes 5 screenshots

Heroes 5 - FAQ

Heroes 5 - features

Heroes 5 - Homepage

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